Thursday, December 29, 2011

Always last to the party...

This has been the "Breaking Bad" holiday chez Tulkinghorn. Only four seasons too late. (Anna Gunn! From Deadwood to this....) Enjoying it more than Killing II, which feels like homework. I'll try the DVDs. Dropped "Homeland" after four episodes because the same thing kept happening over and over -- a virtue in comedy, not so much in a thriller. As I understand it, though, it actually developed a plot soon after I quit. Another missed boat.

In the meantime, there's the Doctor Who Christmas Special, and a new production of "Great Expectations" with Ray Winstone (!) as Magwich and Gillian Anderson as Miss Havisham. (Since there's a G.E. movie coming this year as well -- Dickens bicentennial in 2012 -- we'll get to match Anderson against the rather too eccentric Helena Bonham Carter.)

It's a good life, but real work will return in a week.


David Chute said...

What did it, the Rushdie endorsement?

Tulkinghorn said...

Mrs. T watched it at the suggestion of a friend and thinks it might have been you.....

Certainly not Rushdie, who's spending his time these days in a Blue Angel hell of hanging around with some reality-star rich kid.....

David Chute said...