Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gotta love him...

Who else thinks, much less writes this way? Armond White on "Moneyball" and "50/50."

Like the moment in "Moneyball" where a guy promises, “I’m going to be praying for you and your family,” and Pitt dismisses him, “No problem,” "50/50" normalizes a new kind of feel-good atheism. Adam’s attraction to his therapist (Anna Kendrick) substitutes religion, faith and thoughts on the hereafter with godless cuteness.
As a sometime fellow-traveler of Catholicism (a more sensuous form of Christianity than the one AW subscribes to, perhaps) I'd be inclined to argue that cuteness, far from being godless, is one of the more plausible proofs of His existence. Not as key as truth, beauty, justice, and like that, but fairly close to the top of the B list.

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