Sunday, March 14, 2010

Have to post something pronto...

...although it's probably too late to forestall the drastic readership plunge induced by the post below, which I believe is an early make-up test for Drag Me to Hell. I forgive The Incredible Tulk for taking the easy way out and throwing up a shocking photo to get attention because I know he's sweating bullets over his long-promised New Yorker-length essay on deep focus and 3-D. Can't wait to read it!

More R.D.: "I live in a very closed Doctor Who world, and the subject of fandom is usually brought up by provocative, negative journalists, so that I often react in a provocative, negative way. As though the fans are a problem. But that's just restricting the discussion to the extremes, the couple of hundred angry, shrill voices who dominate the conversation. Now these three days [on a book tour] open my eyes. I'm an idiot! Because I can see so clearly, right in front of me, that the majority of fans are happy and fun and barmy, just like the show. And the most joyous thing of all is that every one of us -- those in the queue, and us two signing away -- have got a little blue box spinning somewhere in our heads. Spinning forever."

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